For Immediate Release
(1 March 2023, Hong Kong)


In relation to the mis-playing of the National Anthem at the 2023 IIHF World Championship Event held at Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo (“the said Event”) during the post-game ceremony on 28 February 2023 in celebration of winning of the Hong Kong Men’s Ice Hockey team (“the Hong Kong Team”) against the Iran opponent team at the 2023 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship Division III Group B, Hong Kong Ice Hockey Association (“HKIHA”) would like to announce to the public as follow : –

有關於在波斯尼亞 (Bosnia) 及 黑塞哥維那, 薩拉熱窩 (Herzegovina, Sarajevo) 所舉行的 2023 IIHF World Championship Event (“該賽事”) 賽事中在香港男子隊 (“香港隊”) 於2023 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship Division III Group B組別對伊朗隊勝出後的祝捷儀式中播放錯誤國歌一事,香港冰球協會現希望向公眾作出以下聲明 : –

1. HKIHA adopts a serious view towards the proper playing of the National Anthem of the People’s Republic of China and the proper display of the Regional Flag of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China at any event, whether being held locally or overseas, wherein teams are participating in such event in the name of HKIHA for the reason that it is well known that the National Anthem of the People’s Republic of China and the Regional Flag of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region stands for the symbol and ensign of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China.


2. HKIHA is also fully aware of the relevant guidelines issued by the Sports Federation and Olympic Committee (“SFOC”) and has strictly observed the guidelines. Accordingly, prior to participation of the games in the said Event by the Hong Kong Team, the official version of the National Anthem (the March of the Volunteers) together with a copy of the guidelines issued by SFOC have been provided to International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) as the governing body for international ice hockey and the event organizer for ensuring that there shall be proper playing of the National Anthem and proper display of the Regional Flag for the Hong Kong Team.

香港冰球協會充分瞭解到中國香港體育協會暨奧林匹克委員會 (“香港奧林匹克委員會”) 發佈的相關指導方針,並嚴格遵守該指導方針。據此,在香港隊參加比賽之前,香港冰球協會已將官方版本的國歌 (義勇軍進行曲) 及香港奧林匹克委員會發佈的指導方針副本提交給作為管控國際冰球及賽事主辦方的國際冰球聯合會(“國際冰聯”),以確保在香港隊參賽時正確展示香港隊的地區旗幟及正確演奏國歌。

3. HKIHA is accordingly much disappointed with the mistake in playing of the National Anthem at the 2023 IIHF World Championship Event during the post-game ceremony.


4. Furthermore, the Hong Kong athletes and team manager of the Hong Kong Team participating in the said event immediately voiced out and signaled with their hands in protest of the mis-playing of the National Anthem, which successfully stopped the event organizer from continuing to play the improper song, the captain of the Hong Kong Team also explained to the staff of event organizer that the improper song was played and requested for the proper national anthem of the People’s Republic of China to be played immediately in substitution of the improper song.


5. HKIHA has thereafter been in close contact with the SFOC in relation to the above incident and shall take zero tolerance towards any such mis-playing of the National Anthem.


6. HKIHA has immediately complained to the event organizer of the aforesaid mis-playing of the National Anthem. Besides, HKIHA shall be in close co-operation with the SFOC to urge for a proper and satisfactory account to be given by the event organizer in relation to the above.


日期 : 2023 年3月1日
