HKIHA is pleased to continue with organizing another phase of beginners’ class for players who aged 4 – 8. Each participant will be given a set of ice hockey jersey (jersey & socks included), and a total of 5 pieces of ice hockey equipment, including shoulder pads, elbow pads, hockey pants, shin guards, gloves.
中國香港冰球總會有限公司將於4月5日起,逢星期五晚上續辦初學者課程,對象為4 – 8歲懂溜冰的球員。每位參加者可獲贈冰球球衣一套 (球衣連襪套) 及冰球套裝共5件,包括肩墊、護肘、冰球球褲、護脛、手套各一件。(以上贈品送完即止)
Dates 日期:
Lesson 1 – Apr 5th (Friday) 4月5日 星期五
Lesson 2 – Apr 12th (Friday) 4月12日 星期五
Lesson 3 – May 10th (Friday) 5月10日 星期五
Lesson 4 – May 17th (Friday) 5月17日 星期五
Lesson 5 – May 24th (Friday) 5月24日 星期五
Lesson 6 – May 31st (Friday) 5月31日 星期五
Lesson 7 – Jun 7th (Friday) 6月7日 星期五
Lesson 8 – Jun 14th (Friday) 6月14日 星期五
Lesson 9 – Jun 21st (Friday) 6月21日 星期五
Lesson 10 – Jun 28th (Friday) 6月28日 星期五
Schedule is subject to change. 以上時間表或有更改。
Venue 地點:Mega Ice (1/3 Ice 三分一冰面)
Time 時間:19:00 – 20:00 (晚上7時至8時)
Duration 時長:每節1 小時
Cost 費用:HKD5,400
Gender 性別:Male / Female Players 男女皆可
Eligibility 參加資格:
Novice players who were born in 2014 – 2018; OR
於2014 – 2018年之間出世之初學者球員; 或
No ice hockey experience but some skating experience
無冰球經驗 但 有少量溜冰經驗
Online Registration is available. Please register ASAP.
現已接受網上報名, 額滿即止,報名從速。
The final decision :
Players selection will be made by HKIHA.
Payment Method: Cheque Only (payable to “Hong Kong, China Ice Hockey Association Limited”)
支付方式:只限支票 (抬頭: 中國香港冰球總會有限公司)
All registrants must send cheque to HKIHA branch office by Apr 3rd, 2024.
Address: Workshop B, G/F, High Win Factory Building, 47 Hoi Yuen Road, Kwun Tong
Attn: 2024 HKIHA Friday Beginners’ Class (Apr – Jun)
(please write down the player’s name at the back of the cheque請於支票背面寫上球員名稱)
Please make sure the cheque can be presented. We will charge $500 for each bounced cheque.
組委會的聯繫方式Contact details of Co-organizer :
中國香港冰球總會 Hong Kong, China Ice Hockey Association
電話Tel: 852 – 2310 1050
傳真Fax:852 – 2806 8727
如有任何爭議, 以賽會組委會最後決定為準。The Co-organizer’s decision shall be final in case of any dispute.