(Application Closed)
HKIHA is pleased to announce the application for “Harbin 2025 Asian Winter Games”.
賽事日期:2025 年 2 月7 至 14 日 (待定)
Tournament Date: February 7th – 14th, 2025(TBC)
Travel Date: TBC
Venue: Harbin, China
Team Entry: 1 Men’s Team & 1 Women’s Team
Age Group: Male players born in January 2007 or before
Female players born in 2009 or before
球員資格:所有球員必須持有有效香港特區護照 及 有效港澳居民來往內地通行證
Eligibility: Hold valid HKSAR passport and valid Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macau Residents
預期每隊人數:20位球員 + 3位守門員 (TBC)
Expected quota: 20 players + 3 goalies (TBC)
If you are interested in participating, please fill in the form at: https://forms.gle/eBvoi5yMw1fKuo5G8
Registration Deadline: 6:00 p.m. Friday, Sept 20th, 2024
公佈結果日期:總會將在收到 SF&OC 的正式通知後以電郵公佈
Date of Result Released: We will inform you by email once we receive the official notice from the SF&OC.
選拔 及 上訴機制
Selection and Appeal Mechanism:
Please refer to “Athlete Selection Policy for International Competitions” under About HKIHA.
組委會的聯繫方式Contact details of Co-organizer :
中國香港冰球總會 Hong Kong, China Ice Hockey Association
電話Tel: 852 – 2310 1050
傳真Fax:852 – 2806 8727
如有任何爭議, 以賽會組委會最後決定為準。The Co-organizer’s decision shall be final in case of any dispute.