Disciplinary Procedures and Guidelines

  1. Objective

To have  a policy in place at HKIHA to ensure fair play and ensure player safety by establishing clear guidelines for addressing misconduct.  The policy aims to foster a culture of respect and sportsmanship while maintaining the integrity of the game through consistent and transparent enforcement of rules.


  1. Scope

The Disciplinary Procedures and Guidelines apply to all players, coaches and officials.


  1. Disciplinary Panel

 The Disciplinary Panel is responsible for reviewing incidents or misconduct and determining appropriate disciplinary actions in accordance to the Disciplinary Procedures and Guidelines.

The Disciplinary Panel shall be appointed by Executive Committee Members of HKIHA (EC).  The Disciplinary Panel shall consist of not less than 4 members, and not more than 6 members, chaired by a Chairperson, comprising of Two representatives of HKIHA registered coaches/referees, Referee-in-Chief (if any) and one independent member (not affiliated with relevant team/program but fully understands ice hockey). For the avoidance of doubt, any member of the Disciplinary Panel shall decline to participate in the consideration of disciplinary matters if there is question of impartiality (i.e. direct or indirect interest in the outcome of the decision).

The Disciplinary Panel may invite independent advisor(s) who have relevant expertise or experience to assist in the decision-making process. These advisors may provide insights or recommendations regarding the incident but will not have voting rights on the Disciplinary Panel.

The written decision of the Disciplinary Panel shall be submitted to HKIHA and reviewed and endorsed by EC.


  1. Duties of Disciplinary Panel

 Duties of the Disciplinary Panel include but not limited to the following areas:-


4.1. Review Incident Reports / dangerous actions of players / cases raised by Game Official Supervisor / cases raised by Team Managers / EC on the grounds of dangerous actions

Examine and review all submitted reports and information pursuant to Sections 5, 6 and 7 below in conjunction with video recordings, if any. Interview players, coaches, team managers, game viewers or any other persons as deemed appropriate, to gather first-hand information. Incident/Complaint must be filed with HKIHA within 48 hours after the concerned Incident/Complaint. 

4.2. Determine Disciplinary Actions

Assess the severity of the infraction(s) and determine appropriate disciplinary actions, including but not limited to written warnings, suspensions or other penalties as deemed fit for the infraction(s). Please see Section 7 below.

4.3. Maintain Confidentiality

Keep all matters concerning the Incident, discussions, decisions and other sensitive information confidential. 

4.4. Maintain Impartiality

Remain impartial, objective and fair in reviewing the Incident.  Where there is a potential conflict, the concerned member should declare it to the Disciplinary Panel and where necessary, remove himself/herself in reviewing the particular Incident. 

4.5. Provide Written Rationale for Ruling, if any

Issue a written decision which includes the rationale for disciplinary actions taken. 

4.6. Educate Players / Case Sharing

Educate concerned player(s) through seminar / educational initiatives / workshops, if deemed appropriate. The incident may be shared as part of case-sharing initiative to promote fair play and ensure player safety. It is important to educate players, coaches and officials about the consequences of misconduct and to foster a culture of safety and respect within the sport.


4.7. Handle Appeals

Facilitate the appeal process in the event of a party contesting the decision of the Disciplinary Panel.


  1. Reporting Procedures

5.1. Reports should be submitted to the Disciplinary Panel within 48 hours of the incident by the following persons:-

5.1.1. Officials
5.1.2. Player
5.1.3. Coach
5.1.4. Team Manager
5.1.5. Referee in Chief 

5.2 Submission Format

All reports, submitted by email to [insert email address], must include but not limited to:

5.2.1. Date and time of the Incident
5.2.2. Names of individuals involved
5.2.3. Detailed description of the Incident
5.2.4. Any supporting evidence (i.e. video, witness statements) 


  1. Review Process 

The Disciplinary Panel will take into consideration of the following matters in reviewing the Incident / Complaint, which includes but not limited to:-

6.1. Reports
6.2. Video recordings
6.3. Recommendation from the Game Official Supervisor, if available.
6.4. Testimony from the players involved in the Incident
6.5. Expert Opinion from coaches / referees
6.6. Previous records of the players. 


  1. Disciplinary Actions

The Disciplinary Panel shall assess the severity of the infraction(s) and determine appropriate disciplinary actions, including but not limited to:-

7.1. Verbal or Written warnings
7.2. Suspensions for specific number of games/practices or set period of time to any game/practice authorised / organised through HKIHA. Suspensions will carry over to the next season in the event the suspension has not been served in full during the previous season.
7.3. Suspension from involvement in officiating / coaching
7.4. Suspension or expulsion from participation in any HKIHA competition
7.5. Expulsion from membership or/affiliation with HKIHA
7.6. Any combination of the above or other penalties as deemed fit for the infraction(s). 


  1. Provide Written Rationale for Ruling, if any 

After reaching a decision of the appropriate disciplinary action(s), the Disciplinary Panel shall provide a written decision of the disciplinary action with reasons within 72 hours of receipt of the reports and submit to HKIHA for review and endorsement. 


  1. Communication of Decisions

HKIHA shall review and endorse the decision of the Disciplinary Panel and communicate and provide written decision to the involved parties within 48 hours of receiving the written decision from the Disciplinary Panel.


  1. Appeal Process

Appeals against decision made by the Disciplinary Panel shall be lodged directly to HKIHA and will only be considered under the following conditions:-

10.1. Appeal is made within 24 hours of receiving the decision.
10.2. New Evidence to justify/support the appeal that was not available prior to the decision.
10.3. Deposit of HK$500 is required at the time of the appeal submission. The deposit will be refunded if the appeal is upheld.

Player(s) are suspended during the appeal process.

After the time period open for appeal, the decision of the Disciplinary Panel / HKIHA shall be final. 


  1. Training and Education

Please refer to Section 4.6 above 


  1. Timeline


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